The Benefits of Organic Juices

Organic juices have both the right therapeutic effects and nutritive content that are
good for people who are constipated. Such juices include fiber and other cleansing characteristics, which will greatly help in flushing toxins out of the colon. They also have a laxative or purgative effect - inducing efficient bowel movement by loosening the stool. With habitual consumption of organic juices, regular bowel movement is promoted.

Also, organic juices are a great source of energy, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes for better digestion, and other substances. They are g
ood in eliminating toxins in the body that cause many health-related problems when accumulated over a period of time. Organic juices also destroy bad bacteria along the digestive tract, making for a more efficient digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Apple Juice for Detoxification and Bowel Movement

Apple juice
may be one of the best organic juices there is for constipation. It is good for alleviating constipation because of its luxury in a soluble fiber called pectin. Pectin helps in ridding your colon of harmful toxins that have collected there through repeated consumption of unhealthy types of foods, as well as promoting normal bowel movement. The reasons why fiber helps in promoting normal bowel movement are: they supply roughage, as well as draw in water to help keep the stool soft and easy to remove.

Aside from pectin, apple juice is also rich in sorbitol, a substance that encourages emptying of the colon. Then there are also minerals and electrolytes, which both serve significant roles in the body.

Experts suggest for anyone - whether suffering from constipation or not - to have at least 3 servings of apple juice everyday. Also, it is best to keep on consuming apples for additional fiber source, at least 3 to 4 apples per day. If you want an efficient detoxification process, you may also want to consume the apple and apple juice fasting, which lasts for one to two days. In this fasting, you help sweep toxins out of your body by drinking apple juice every two hours, as well as consuming 3-4 apples each day. It is ideal that you opt for Fuji, granny smith or gala types of apples - the ones that are crispy.

However, people with diabetes or adrenal fatigue should try to limit their intake of organic juices or the fruits themselves. But with habitual exercise and proper eating habits, such people may be able to enjoy the benefits of drinking organic juices.